Interaction is one of the central problems in VR system. A good way for user to interact with synthetic world can enhance the immersive experience. Today, using consumer VR handles is a dominant way to get input from user. However, the feeling of using a pair of handles is barely like how we interact with the real world, i.e. using hands. On the other side, directly capturing hand motion with computer vision is a quite hard problem, in which occlusion and light condition must be considered carefully. Data glove is an elegant way to solve that problem, which captures hand gesture with sensors. Nevertheless, the high price of data glove holds most consumer back.
In this project, I build a low cost data glove with IMU. The total cost doesn’t exceed 15$(Raspberry pi excluded), and the result is quite appealing.
I will explain most technical details in this post. Any idea to make this project better is welcomed! Or if you want to know some details I didn’t explained clearly, open an issue in github.